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Election Day Voting

In-Person Voting on Election Day
  • The polls will be open 6:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M.

  • All polling places are ADA accessible.

  • Voters will be able to vote in their local polling place on a voting machine. Each voter is sent a Sample Ballot that lists their polling place.

    • If you can't find your polling place, click the button below to find it.​

  • ​When the voters enter the polling place, they will be checked-in on an electronic poll book. To speed the check-in process, voters can bring their sample ballot with its scannable barcode to find their voter record faster.

  • Any voter that was sent a Vote by Mail ballot cannot vote in a machine on Election Day. These voters, however, can cast a provisional ballot.  The provisional ballot will be counted once all timely Vote by Mail Ballots arrive and it is verified that the voter did not cast two ballots.

New Voting Machines in Camden County

Integrity and security are essential to free and fair Elections. With our aging election equipment and voting machines at the end of life, the decision was made to purchase new equipment. The new election systems put into service by Camden County will not only ensure our elections are completely secure, but also easy to use from the perspective of our voters.

Here is what you can expect the next time you cast your vote at a polling place in Camden County:

  • Sign In: You will sign in on an electronic tablet device, speeding up the process and assuring you receive the ballot for your district.

  • Your Ballot: Upon signing in, the board workers will give you your ballot. Ballots are paper and are similar to those who vote using a Vote by Mail ballot. You will be directed to a privacy screen where you will make your selections using a pen to vote for the candidates and questions by coloring in the corresponding oval.

  • Voting Machines: After you have voted your ballot, place it in a provided a privacy sleeve to keep all voting selections secret. A board worker will then direct you to the new tabulating device. You will then feed their ballot into the scanner where their votes will be recorded, and your ballot is securely stored within the device. This ensures that there is a paper record of every single vote that has been cast.

  • Ballot Marking Device: Every polling location throughout Camden County will be equipped with an ADA compliant ballot marking device. Voters that require such accommodations will be able utilize the Express Vote machine which will assist the voters in making selections on their ballot. Ballots printed from the ballot marking device are read on the tabulators the same as any other ballot.

While some see this as a regression from fully electronic machines, it is widely believed by election security experts that a hand-marked paper ballot are the most secure method of voting since voter intent is clear and each ballot can easily be recounted if needed.

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